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Successful Short Term Forex Trading

Successful Short Term Forex Trading

Successful short term Forex trading is the goal of many new traders who enter the Forex markets each year. For them, life begins and ends on the one or five minute chart. It is important to understand that the trend on a small time frame chart may only be a retracement of the primary trend from a higher time frame chart. As a result, understanding the higher time frame trend is an important step in becoming a successful, short term Forex trader.

Range Bound Vs. Trend Bound

Certain asset classes tend to be range bound and others tend to move in trends. One asset that does trend well is the spot Forex market. Currencies are based on economies, and it takes a long time for economies to complete the four stage business cycle of expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. While the primary trend marches on for months and years, there can be several intermediate term trends lasting days and weeks.

These intermediate term trends offer short term Forex traders many opportunities to trade long and short with the primary trend, or counter to the primary trend. Each type of trading has specific rules. Counter trend traders must exit a position quickly in the event that the primary trend resumes. Currency traders all over the world like to observe the trend from the previous trading session, and pile on in that direction during their session.