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Spot Market by Forex

Spot Market

Currency spot trading is the most popular foreign currency instrument 
around the world, making up 37 percent of the total activity (See Figure 3.1). 
1 2 3 4
Figure 3.1.The market share of the foreign exchange instruments as of 1998: 
1- spot; 2 – options; 3 – futures; 4 – forwards and swaps. 
The fast-paced spot market is not for the fainthearted, as it features 
high volatility and quick profits (and losses). A spot deal consists of a bilateral 
contract whereby a party delivers a specified amount of a given currency 
against receipt of a specified amount of another currency from a 
counterparty, based on an agreed exchange rate, within two business days of 
the deal date. The exception is the Canadian dollar, in which the spot delivery 
is executed next business day.